Quail Creek HOA currently offers three membership levels:
Your Platinum dues demonstrate a strong commitment to Quail Creek, making our neighborhood a better place to live. Platinum Members will be recognized with a special platinum mailbox sticker & yard sign, listed in our directory and on our website. Platinum Memberships include a $280.00 tax-deductible contribution to the Quail Community Foundation.
As we do every year, we encourage all residents of Quail Creek to show their support and join the HOA. Standard Membership Dues are $320, a cost that is very minimal compared to other Oklahoma City-area neighborhoods. The benefits and services received from this level of membership will make it easy to join! Standard Members will be recognized with a special standard mailbox sticker & yard sign, listed in our directory and on our website. Standard Memberships include a $160.00 tax-deductible contribution to the Quail Community Foundation.
This is the standard membership level for anyone living in a duplex, quadplex, or other types of multi-unit housing in the area. Please do not use this option if you live in a single-family dwelling. Multi-Unit Members will be recognized with a special standard mailbox sticker & yard sign, listed in our directory and on our website. Multi-Unit Memberships include a $90.00 tax-deductible contribution to the Quail Community Foundation.

Select Your HOA Membership
Standard 2025 - Full Payment
320$+$9.50 Convenience FeePlatinum 2025 - Full Payment
560$+$16.50 Convenience FeeMulti-Unit 2025 - Full Payment
180$+$5.50 Convenience Fee